June 10, 2009
I have a feeling that I’m somewhat archaic in my dislike of e-books. This doesn’t mean I’m not willing to change…given the right techniques of persuasion, of course.
You see, my husband is constantly regaling me with great e-books he has seen and down-loaded. He’s constantly telling me (to be supportive, I’ve no doubt!) that when I get published, the e-book will get my work out there to the masses so much more efficiently than simply sitting on the Barnes and Nobles book shelf.
And each time – if I’m honest – I cringe.
I have a mental block it seems about reading literature on a computer screen. I think it takes away from the entire beauty of what reading really is and ought to be. When I read a novel, for instance, it isn’t just the story that carries me away, it is the holding of the book in my hands and feeling the crispness of the pages against my fingers. It is the smell of a book too. It can be the raw and heady scent of a brand new book with it’s tight binding and pages that occasionally stick together. Or the smell of the book I last had on the beach smelling faintly of sun screen and sand. There is something truly delightful about holding a book in my hands and sliding a bookmark into the place where I leave off that I don’t think any other medium can even come close to let alone replace.
In fact, I won’t even let my circle of trusted readers take a look at my manuscript online…I’m afraid it will come off like a textbook or research. I want my book to be an experience.
I can remember just where I was when I read The Kite Runner: I was sitting in the car waiting for soccer practice to be over, and then I was standing by the stove stirring macaroni and cheese, and then I was lying in bed with just my clip on book light for the end. See? It was a total experience that would have been tragically different had I been tied to my computer screen for the duration.
But I’m a reasonable person. I’m open to finding out if my vision of reading and publishing is old fashioned and out-dated.
Have you published an e-book? Would you? I’m open to being persuaded…if you do a good job, perhaps you can even convince me to download my first book!